Let Go of Your Need to Get Even
“Never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God, for he has said that he
will repay those who deserve it” (Romans 12:19a TLB).
The heart of real forgiveness
is relinquishing your right to get even. The Bible says in Romans 12:19, “Never
avenge yourselves. Leave that to God, for he has said that he will repay those
who deserve it” (TLB).
You say, “If I give up my
right to get even with somebody who’s hurt me, then that’s unfair.” You’re
right! It is unfair. But whoever said forgiveness is fair? Was it fair for
Jesus Christ to forgive everything you’ve ever done wrong and let you go free?
No. We don’t want God to be fair to us, though. We want God to be gracious to
us. We all want justice for everybody else and forgiveness for ourselves.
The truth is that life is not
fair. And forgiveness is not fair. It’s called grace, and God has shown it to
you. One day, God is going to have the last word. He’s going to settle the
score. He’s going to right the wrong. Leave the justice part to God. You just
concern yourself with forgiving so there can be peace in your heart and you can
get on with your life.
If you don’t do this, you will
fall into the trap of bitterness. Resentment and bitterness are worthless
emotions. In fact, doctors tell us they are the unhealthiest emotions. They
will eat you alive like cancer. All your resentment and bitterness toward
people who have hurt you in the past isn’t going to change the past, and it
certainly won’t change the future. All it can do is mess up today.
When you hold on to
resentment, you allow people from your past to continue to hurt you today. And
that’s not smart! The people in your past are past. They cannot continue to
hurt you unless you choose to hold on to the hurt. Instead, let go of your need
to get even or make things fair. Leave it up to God.
The Bible says, “Be careful
that none of you fails to respond to the grace which God gives, for if he does
there can very easily spring up in him a bitter spirit which is not only bad in
itself but can also poison the lives of many others” (Hebrews 12:15 Phillips).
Have a Blessed Day
Ps. Rick Warren – Daily Devotional
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