By. Andreas Ahuluheluw
There are some Premises: “People are your key assets. On the front lines of business, they can make or break a company” -Richard Branson- . You can take my factories, burn up my buildings, but give me my people and I’ll build business right back again !! -Henry Ford-. If You Want One Year of Prosperity, Grow Grain. If You Want Ten Years of Prosperity, Grow Trees If You Want One Hundred Years of Prosperity, Grow People -Chinese Proverb-. So, 1. People is very important because they are an assets/ capital the organization/ company. (JHON DEAN). 2. To bring company achieved the goal, they need the Right People and Right seat/ place (JIM COLLINCE). 3. To bring company breakthrough, they need to Nurturing and developing their staff (WILLEM SCHEIAMANN). 4. to support the above objective company need a Good HR system, process and procedure. This relate to HR strategy of Recruitment/placement; OD; Compensation & Ben; Training & Dev (PMP), Employee Relation & Good Administration (WILLIAM ANTHONY). 5. He also said that those strategy is must in line with the Strategic Business of the Organization. 6. It is useless without the solid team work (PPM/JAKARTA SCHOOL OF MGT).
HRM objective is to give a positive contribution and productive workplace in order to achieved the organization vision/ mission. Therefore, William Anthony said: There are 3 major strategy of HR: 1. Recruitment and placement strategy (ATRACT) 2. Nurturing/maintaining strategy (RETAIN) and 3. Training and Development strategy (MOTIVATED). Also the HR strategy should be inline with the company's strategy in responding to achieve the organization Vision and Mission. The HR strategy itself must be integrated with the other business unit strategies. The rules of HRM is all management within the company need working together: 1. Top management is responsible for company strategy. 2. Business unit manager is responsible for managing their subordinates and 3. HR is responsible to managing and administer of HR issues; Facilitation consult with advices and provide infrastructure , controlling & research. Below is HRS System:
The objective of recruitment/ placement is to find and attract potential employees to become employees of the organization. The recruitment process as follows: 1. SEARCH AND FILING OF CANDIDATES APPLICATION. (internaly or externaly). 2. SELECTION / SCREENING OF CANDIDATES (selection application letter, fill out an application forms, interview, Test (psychometric and other tests, medical tests), Cheque refference, offer letter) 3. PLACEMENT OF EMPLOYEE.
Employee selection methode is starting from: Compare Job and man specification with applicant candidate.
Job Specification is the knowledge and skills required to carry out the work according to standards. (example: how to operate computers, etc.).
Man specifications is the person characteristics who need to do the job.(example: secretaries, women aged 25-30 years, academic education, etc. experience 3 years.)
There are five basic building blocks in the Organizational Management. 1. Organizational Units (Structure describe linked the business unit to one another ), 2. Jobs, (Jobs are general groupings for sets of tasks or functions an employee). 3. Positions, (Positions are held by individuals within the organization). 4.Cost centers, (Cost centers are maintained in Financial Accounting and Budget process to extract employees into the correct budgeting groups). 5. Persons (Persons are objects that hold positions within an organizational structure. In other words, persons are the employees in each organizational units).
Job description: is a written description that includes the major tasks of a job. benefit of JD is: for manpower planning, recruitment & selection, training development, performance management and reward systems. Job analysis is a procedure to determine the responsibilities and requirements of the job skills required and the type of person who should do the job. Job analysis process: Preparation of (target, type of work, format). Collection of data (employee log, interviews, expert panels, questionnaires, observation, or a combination). Data analysis and results of the analysis of job application: Job Description (Job Specification & Man specification)
There are 3 components of Comp & benefits: 1. PAYROLL, payroll objective is to attract people to work, retain employees, maintain the enthusiasm to work and as a cost. Expected salary: comparable with job performance, comparable to other employees and comparable to those paid for the same job at another company. Characteristics of Salary: 1. Internal fairness (equity). It is based on: Job evaluation, skill and competence base pay. 2. External equity that is the Salary Survey and 3. easily administered (simple system). 2. INCENTIVES: is a variable rewards for accomplishment a target. (production bonuses) 3. BENEFIT: is a facilities provided to enable employees to work. (cost of living allowance, health benefits, vehicle facilities etc.). Procedure for determining of salary scale: Starting with 1. Job Description (formulating the goals, tasks and responsibilities of the position). 2. Job Evaluation (determine the value of position). 3. Job Grading, determines the level of job classification. 4. Salary Survey to find out the market salary / fee applicable. 5. Job Pricing, determine the value of rupiah for each position.
Kind of Job Evaluation Method: Non-Analytical (Job ranking, Joc classification) and Analytical (Points, factor comparison, the profile method). Example: Secretary, Office Boy, etc.
Salary Survey: The survey, published (buy), shared between the Performance Management Survey and by the institution or independent.
Training is program that help employees perform their current job. While the Development is program that help employee for the future job.
Training and development objectives are: to minimize the Competency gap. Competency is related to knowledge, skills and attitude.
Training and developing process is beginning with the identification of training needs, set goals for training and development, designing the training program and Evaluation
Category Training objectives: Cognitive (knowledge and intellectual skills). Affective (attitudes) and Psychomotor (physical skills)
Training Methode is provides for Non-Manager (on the job training, apprentice / internship, Cooperative, Internship & governmet (BLK), classroom, Programmed (independent study), Audiovisual material (CD) , Computer-based (CBT), simulation and For Manager (On-the-job experience (3-6 month rotation, Seminars / conferences, Case Studies, Management Games, Role Playing, Modeling behavior.
Evaluation of Training are: Evaluation of the reaction (ingredients, methods, instructor), Evaluation of Learning (what they are learning), Evaluation of work behavior (whether they use / application), Evaluation ROTI / Return on Training Investment
Performance management is a systematic process to measure the employee objectives. Philosophy : The development is employee responsibility.
Performance management purpose is: Target accomplishment, Potential Review (knowledge, skills and competition). Reward reviews (effective operational organization).
Performance management cycle is: Performance Planning, Implementation/ executions, Self Assessment, Performance Appraisal.
Performance Plan: 1. Objectives: Target, Project/ goal 2. Target behaviors / competencies development according to measurement of competence (DISC, MMPI, VBHRM). 3. Key Job: Feedback, Coaching (teaching knowledge and skills; Counseling (help solve problems on the job). 4. Assessment of progress on an ongoing basis. monitoring itself.
Performance Assessment: judged by itself; judge by supervisor (360 degree) and interview and follow-up assessment. -Charles Flaiser-
Employee relation is related to a positive communication and Openness . 3 things employee needed: 1.Legal certainty, 2. Certainty of life and 3. Certainty of retirement saving.
The critical point is how the HR can deal with dual focus , consider the needs of both employees and management. There are time you must make-decision to protect the individual and the other time when you protect the organization, Its culture's value.
To support those things HR need to understand well of Labor law, Corporate manual and Employee Manual. -PPM & Jhon E. Pynes-
By. Andreas Ahuluheluw
There are some Premises: “People are your key assets. On the front lines of business, they can make or break a company” -Richard Branson- . You can take my factories, burn up my buildings, but give me my people and I’ll build business right back again !! -Henry Ford-. If You Want One Year of Prosperity, Grow Grain. If You Want Ten Years of Prosperity, Grow Trees If You Want One Hundred Years of Prosperity, Grow People -Chinese Proverb-. So, 1. People is very important because they are an assets/ capital the organization/ company. (JHON DEAN). 2. To bring company achieved the goal, they need the Right People and Right seat/ place (JIM COLLINCE). 3. To bring company breakthrough, they need to Nurturing and developing their staff (WILLEM SCHEIAMANN). 4. to support the above objective company need a Good HR system, process and procedure. This relate to HR strategy of Recruitment/placement; OD; Compensation & Ben; Training & Dev (PMP), Employee Relation & Good Administration (WILLIAM ANTHONY). 5. He also said that those strategy is must in line with the Strategic Business of the Organization. 6. It is useless without the solid team work (PPM/JAKARTA SCHOOL OF MGT).
HRM objective is to give a positive contribution and productive workplace in order to achieved the organization vision/ mission. Therefore, William Anthony said: There are 3 major strategy of HR: 1. Recruitment and placement strategy (ATRACT) 2. Nurturing/maintaining strategy (RETAIN) and 3. Training and Development strategy (MOTIVATED). Also the HR strategy should be inline with the company's strategy in responding to achieve the organization Vision and Mission. The HR strategy itself must be integrated with the other business unit strategies. The rules of HRM is all management within the company need working together: 1. Top management is responsible for company strategy. 2. Business unit manager is responsible for managing their subordinates and 3. HR is responsible to managing and administer of HR issues; Facilitation consult with advices and provide infrastructure , controlling & research. Below is HRS System:
The objective of recruitment/ placement is to find and attract potential employees to become employees of the organization. The recruitment process as follows: 1. SEARCH AND FILING OF CANDIDATES APPLICATION. (internaly or externaly). 2. SELECTION / SCREENING OF CANDIDATES (selection application letter, fill out an application forms, interview, Test (psychometric and other tests, medical tests), Cheque refference, offer letter) 3. PLACEMENT OF EMPLOYEE.
Employee selection methode is starting from: Compare Job and man specification with applicant candidate.
Job Specification is the knowledge and skills required to carry out the work according to standards. (example: how to operate computers, etc.).
Man specifications is the person characteristics who need to do the job.(example: secretaries, women aged 25-30 years, academic education, etc. experience 3 years.)
There are five basic building blocks in the Organizational Management. 1. Organizational Units (Structure describe linked the business unit to one another ), 2. Jobs, (Jobs are general groupings for sets of tasks or functions an employee). 3. Positions, (Positions are held by individuals within the organization). 4.Cost centers, (Cost centers are maintained in Financial Accounting and Budget process to extract employees into the correct budgeting groups). 5. Persons (Persons are objects that hold positions within an organizational structure. In other words, persons are the employees in each organizational units).
Job description: is a written description that includes the major tasks of a job. benefit of JD is: for manpower planning, recruitment & selection, training development, performance management and reward systems. Job analysis is a procedure to determine the responsibilities and requirements of the job skills required and the type of person who should do the job. Job analysis process: Preparation of (target, type of work, format). Collection of data (employee log, interviews, expert panels, questionnaires, observation, or a combination). Data analysis and results of the analysis of job application: Job Description (Job Specification & Man specification)
There are 3 components of Comp & benefits: 1. PAYROLL, payroll objective is to attract people to work, retain employees, maintain the enthusiasm to work and as a cost. Expected salary: comparable with job performance, comparable to other employees and comparable to those paid for the same job at another company. Characteristics of Salary: 1. Internal fairness (equity). It is based on: Job evaluation, skill and competence base pay. 2. External equity that is the Salary Survey and 3. easily administered (simple system). 2. INCENTIVES: is a variable rewards for accomplishment a target. (production bonuses) 3. BENEFIT: is a facilities provided to enable employees to work. (cost of living allowance, health benefits, vehicle facilities etc.). Procedure for determining of salary scale: Starting with 1. Job Description (formulating the goals, tasks and responsibilities of the position). 2. Job Evaluation (determine the value of position). 3. Job Grading, determines the level of job classification. 4. Salary Survey to find out the market salary / fee applicable. 5. Job Pricing, determine the value of rupiah for each position.
Kind of Job Evaluation Method: Non-Analytical (Job ranking, Joc classification) and Analytical (Points, factor comparison, the profile method). Example: Secretary, Office Boy, etc.
Salary Survey: The survey, published (buy), shared between the Performance Management Survey and by the institution or independent.
Training is program that help employees perform their current job. While the Development is program that help employee for the future job.
Training and development objectives are: to minimize the Competency gap. Competency is related to knowledge, skills and attitude.
Training and developing process is beginning with the identification of training needs, set goals for training and development, designing the training program and Evaluation
Category Training objectives: Cognitive (knowledge and intellectual skills). Affective (attitudes) and Psychomotor (physical skills)
Training Methode is provides for Non-Manager (on the job training, apprentice / internship, Cooperative, Internship & governmet (BLK), classroom, Programmed (independent study), Audiovisual material (CD) , Computer-based (CBT), simulation and For Manager (On-the-job experience (3-6 month rotation, Seminars / conferences, Case Studies, Management Games, Role Playing, Modeling behavior.
Evaluation of Training are: Evaluation of the reaction (ingredients, methods, instructor), Evaluation of Learning (what they are learning), Evaluation of work behavior (whether they use / application), Evaluation ROTI / Return on Training Investment
Performance management is a systematic process to measure the employee objectives. Philosophy : The development is employee responsibility.
Performance management purpose is: Target accomplishment, Potential Review (knowledge, skills and competition). Reward reviews (effective operational organization).
Performance management cycle is: Performance Planning, Implementation/ executions, Self Assessment, Performance Appraisal.
Performance Plan: 1. Objectives: Target, Project/ goal 2. Target behaviors / competencies development according to measurement of competence (DISC, MMPI, VBHRM). 3. Key Job: Feedback, Coaching (teaching knowledge and skills; Counseling (help solve problems on the job). 4. Assessment of progress on an ongoing basis. monitoring itself.
Performance Assessment: judged by itself; judge by supervisor (360 degree) and interview and follow-up assessment. -Charles Flaiser-
Employee relation is related to a positive communication and Openness . 3 things employee needed: 1.Legal certainty, 2. Certainty of life and 3. Certainty of retirement saving.
The critical point is how the HR can deal with dual focus , consider the needs of both employees and management. There are time you must make-decision to protect the individual and the other time when you protect the organization, Its culture's value.
To support those things HR need to understand well of Labor law, Corporate manual and Employee Manual. -PPM & Jhon E. Pynes-
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