
Showing posts from March, 2012


HUMAN RESOURCES CONCEPT By. Andreas Ahuluheluw FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. There are some Premises: “People are your key assets. On the front lines of business, they can make or break a company” -Richard Branson- . You can take my factories, burn up my buildings, but give me my people and I’ll build business right back again !! -Henry Ford-. If You Want One Year of Prosperity, Grow Grain. If You Want Ten Years of Prosperity, Grow Trees If You Want One Hundred Years of Prosperity, Grow People -Chinese Proverb-. So, 1. People is very important because they are an assets/ capital the organization/ company. (JHON DEAN). 2. To bring company achieved the goal, they need the Right People and Right seat/ place (JIM COLLINCE). 3. To bring company breakthrough, they need to Nurturing and developing their staff (WILLEM SCHEIAMANN). 4. to support the above objective company need a Good HR system, process and procedure. This relate to HR strategy of Recruitment/placement; OD; Compensation & B...