
Showing posts from February, 2020

Make Today Count

MAKE TODAY COUNT This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. -Psalm 118:24 If you thought about it, I’m sure you could come up with a list of days that you would call special—birthdays of those you love, anniversaries, etc. But what about today? Would it make your list of special days? Well, it should! Today is God’s gift to you. What you do with this gift is so important because today is the only day that truly belongs to you! You see, when you went to bed last night, you said good-bye to yesterday. It’s gone forever. And yet, so many people pine away for yesterday and wish they could relive the days that have passed. There are others who live only for the future, and for what it might hold. But the Scripture only promises you one day—this day! Today is the only day that is truly yours. And if you live it the way God wants you to, it should be an amazing day. So let me ask you, “How is your day going? What are you doing with this a pr...

Keep your focus on Jesus

Keep your focus on Jesus …in your presence there is fullness of joy… –Psalm 16:11 Most adults are pretty accomplished when it comes to staying busy. But we need to guard ourselves against getting so busy that we miss out on what’s really important. In Luke chapter 10, you and I are introduced to a woman who got so busy “doing” that she missed “being” in the presence of Jesus. And he was right there in her home! On this day, Martha had invited Jesus to come to her home for fellowship. And she began busying herself with preparations for their time together. But somewhere along the way, the focus of her attention became more about the preparations and less about Jesus. Making matters worse, while she slaved away, her sister Mary sat at Jesus's feet listening intently to his every word. Martha even asked Jesus to tell Mary to leave him and to help her! But instead, Jesus lovingly told her that while she had grown increasingly anxious, Mary had chosen well in spending t...